Revelation Chapter 17 Verse 4

Revelation 17:4

The Bible in Revelation Chapter 17 Verse 4 says:

And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and decked with gold and precious stone and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations, even the unclean things of her fornication,

Interpretation of Revelation Chapter 17 Verse 4

Revelation 17:4 paints a vivid picture of a woman who appears to be a symbol of a false religious system or spiritual Babylon. She is dressed in lavish clothing, wearing purple and scarlet, with gold and precious stones adorning her body. In her hand, she holds a golden cup filled with things that are an abomination in God’s eyes, such as the impurities of her spiritual fornication. This image of a woman is often seen as a metaphor for the Roman Catholic Church and its spiritual practices, as well as an indication of the power and influence it wields in the world.





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