Revelation Chapter 17 Verse 18

Revelation 17:18

The Bible in Revelation Chapter 17 Verse 18 says:

And the woman whom thou sawest is the great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.

Interpretation of Revelation Chapter 17 Verse 18

Revelation 17:18 is a verse from the Bible that speaks of a mysterious woman who is actually a great city that reigns over the kings of the earth. This woman is the great city of Babylon, which is a symbol of the world’s spiritual and earthly powers that oppose God and His people. The city is described as being adorned with great wealth and riches, and it is said to have a cup of fornication in her hand, which symbolizes her participation in the worship of false gods and idols. She is also said to be drunk with the blood of the saints, which refers to her persecution and destruction of God’s people. This woman is eventually destroyed by the Lord, who will bring judgement upon her for her wickedness.





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